Anuário da Indústria de Implementos Rodoviários 2018
12 A fter hard times, the road implements industry is recovering. In the first quarter of 2018 sales were 53% up year on year. This is a good result without a doubt and one that indicates the gradual recovery of the sector. As is known, the road implements industry depends heavily on the economy in general. Approximately 60% of all goods, inputs and other products in Brazil are transported by some form or highway implement. The sector is one of the barometers of the economy and the fact is that we are only at the beginning of this recovery .It takes a lot of work from everyone, private initiative and government together, so that this process is not interrupted. Brazil needs regular growth. Some traditions should be forgotten, such as election years mean the economy is put on hold. Brazil is a mature democracy with so, outside the natural emotion that surrounds an election, it is high time the economy stopped being affected. Wealth generation brings benefits to the community, with more income, more jobs, business and entrepreneurship. None of this should be affected because we will exercise our right to choose our governors. But traditions do not change overnight. It takes willpower. We will probably have another year affected by the elections and so we cannot say the long-awaited recovery of the economy is here to stay. We are doing our part to consolidate it and we invite everyone - private initiative and the government - to do the same for the good of Brazil. Norberto Fabris president of ANFIR PALAVRA DO PRESIDENTE A WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT | PALABRAS DEL PRESIDENTE Steady steps
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