Anuário da Indústria de Implementos Rodoviários 2018
98 A fter establishing the bridgehead that will ensure a greater presence for Brazilian road implements, the National Road implements Association and the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) have renewed and expand a partnership that started in 2016. Since September last year - for a period of two years until mid-2019 - the new agreement will continue investment in markets that could be important to domestic industry. “We are convinced that the partnership with ANFIR is strengthening the export culture and achieving results. But we must keep in mind that in foreign trade, solid results are obtained in the long term, based on a well-defined strategy,” says Apex- Brasil Business Director, Márcia Nejaim, who is very satisfied with the results of the first agreement, the ANFIR team and with the active participation of the companies involved. In this second period, says the director of Apex, the idea is to continue the strategy and the work started in the markets accessed in the first agreement, and to take it further. Relationships and opportunities will be worked on in this new phase with Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, the United Arab Emirates, Honduras, Nigeria and Peru. Exhibitions at fairs abroad, business roundtables between Brazilian companies and international buyers in Brazil and abroad, commercial agents, invitations to journalists and foreign opinion makers to learn about Brazil’s industrial park and business intelligence and defense of Brazilian interests abroad will be used to promote exports. The first move was made shortly after the agreement was renewed, signed in September: a Business Roundtable at Fenatran, held in October. The meeting between foreign buyers and Brazilian industry brought together representatives from eight countries at the leading exhibition for the transport sector. A second such action occurred from April 16-19 in Panama. In the Panamanian capital, there were 16 ANFIR member companies attending a new Business Round. The trade mission - which was also attended by the Brazilian ambassador to Panama, Flávio Helmold Macieira, and the Minister Sabine Nadja Popoff - held 120 meetings between Panamanian and Central American buyers and representatives of Brazilian industry, as well as a meeting with Proinvex, the Panama Government’s Business Promotion Agency, with Panama’s Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industries, Néstor González, and with local transport companies. “Exports are an important par of the agenda in the sector and the renewal of the agreement with Apex-Brasil brings even more dynamism to the internationalization efforts made by our industry “, says Mario Rinaldi, Executive Director of ANFIR. Márcia Nejaim agrees: “The goal for companies participating in the project was soon achieved in the first months of the first contract. The initial idea was to support fifteen companies and by the end of a year we had 44 companies taking part. As a result, we earned $ 55 million in road implements exports by the end of the year.” For this second phase, however, the goals are somewhat more challenging. “ We intend to earn $ 120 million in exports by the sector by the end of 2018, supporting 55 companies, of which at least 30 will be exporters”, says the director of Apex-Brasil. For non-exporters, the idea is to qualify for export trade using, for example, the Export Qualification Program by Apex-Brasil, which companies took part in during the first project. The expectation, therefore, is that the export goals for participating companies and exporting companies be achieved, that Brazil’s road implements be consolidated in international markets and the companies constantly strive to export. With the second agreement signed with Apex-Brasil, the national road implements industry prepares to export more A new, broader cycle EXPORTAÇÕES | EXPORTS | EXPORTACIONES
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