Anuário da Indústria de Implementos Rodoviários 2022

70 RELAÇÕES HUMANAS | HUMAN RELATIONS | RELACIONES HUMANAS Truckvan did not shut down or lay anyone off in the two years of the pandemic. It expanded its portfolio and headcount, with 600 people now. Metalesp HR coordinator Sandra Bueno de Lara Verlindo says people were more engaged in work in the pandemic. “Along with investments in machinery and cost reductions, we adopted new policies to hold on to staff,” says the executive, citing actions such as appointing leaders to encourage teamwork, promotions, improved benefits, and salary increases. Randon’s Silvana says teleworking and working from home are here to stay. There are differences between these two. In the former, people are hired to work outside the company and may even live in another state. People working from home are more flexible, doing a few days in the company, and a few at home. “The pandemic caused huge transformations. Even the working environment has been modernized,” Silvana says. She recalls that Randon made a commitment to readmit people who had left, when business recovered. “In the last quarter of 2020, we took on about 300 people in Caxias do Sul, bringing back some people we had lost.” Truckvan’s Suellen Paiva says the company’s first effort to keep people was to raise awareness about new standards. “People see the pandemic very individually, each with their own customs and beliefs, but in a common group new standards have to be co-created,” explains the executive. She says the sector now demands versatile people. “We need good planners and people who are adaptable. This is the professional of the future!” Suellen believes employment prospects are positive, as the segment is labor intensive and the company’s plan is to grow in volume in the coming years. “We plan to create new fronts in the area of People & Management this year, paving the way to further professionalize our processes and our people,” she explains. At Metalesp, according to the HR coordinator, there were no layoffs because of the pandemic. The company’s policy is to hire staff without experience and train them internally. “It’s always been like this. We have people with more than ten at the company,” says the executive. She recalls that Metalesp grew very fast, which is why the policy to retain people is important. The company plans to hire more people. “We ended 2021 with a lot of orders and we see 2022 as promising. For highly qualified jobs, such as welding, there are some problems finding people,” says Sandra Verlindo. Reflejos positivos Los desafíos decurrentes de la pandemia del covid-19 transformaron por completo los departamentos de Relaciones Humanas de los fabricantes de implementos viales en el país. Además de decisiones puntuales que fueron y aún son necesarias para enfrentar la crisis sanitaria, hubo fortalecimiento del trabajo en equipo y de las acciones para captar y retener talentos en las empresas. Fabricantes como Randon, Truckvan y Metalesp, entre otros, creen en la continuidad del crecimiento de las ventas este año, lo que demandará más mano de obra y consecuente refuerzo de los aportes en profesionalización y, principalmente, retención de personal. “A pesar de las inversiones en innovación, robotización y procesos, tener mano de obra cualificada y comprometida con los proyectos de la compañía es fundamental”, comenta Silvana Gemelli, gerente de personas y cultura de Empresas Randon. Entre varias otras acciones, Randon Implementos promovió una transformación cultural hacia la innovación, incentivando a los colaboradores a enviar ideas que mejoren el desempeño de la empresa, y mostrándoles que es posible crecer profesionalmente en el grupo. Con pandemia, RR. HH. valora más aún la retención de talentos y el trabajo en equipo